Tag Archives: autumn

Some Sure Signs of Rodents

12476009 - mouse in the kitchen eating bread

As winter sets in, chances of a rodent sighting in your home will rise as rodents attempt to find their way indoors to escape the cold. Being that mice can be destructive and can also spread disease, it’s important to learn identification facts to safeguard your home.

Droppings– Droppings are one of the most obvious sign of a mouse infestation. Dropping pellets tend to be tiny (about ¼ inch), black, and numerous.  You may find waste matter around nesting sites, in food storage areas, on shelving, floors or counters. If you’re looking for additional waste clues, mouse urine will show up under ultraviolet light.

Route Rub Marks– Mice tend to use the same routes and travel against walls when navigating, this leaves dirty grease smudges on walls, floors and baseboards (from their oily fur). You may also notice urine spots on those same routes.

Scent and Sounds-Open a cupboard and get a whiff of a distinctive smell? A strong ammonia odor (the scent of urine) may be obvious, especially in enclosed areas.

Noticing any scratching sounds? You may hear scurrying noises in walls and ceilings, especially at night when mice are most active.

Did You Know: Mice can enter your home through a hole the size of a dime!

Gnawing Damage-Mice have teeth that continuously grow and so they like to gnaw to keep their teeth shorter. Gnaw marks and holes can be found on plastic and wood and most dangerously, on electrical wires which can be a fire hazard.

Food storage sites can also be areas in which to see gnaw marks. Mice will chew up boxes and contaminate stored food items.

Noticeable Nests– House mice shred paper and other soft materials, such as cotton, wall material and insulation for nesting sites. Good hiding places for nests include: cabinets, in dishwashers, behind refrigerators, ceilings, wall voids and other dark storage areas. Usually young mice will be present within the nesting site.

Eek! I’ve seen a mouse!-Lastly, you may spot live or dead mice around your home. Typically, if you see one, there’s most likely more.

Did You Know: a female house mouse can give birth to a half dozen babies every three weeks and can produce up to 35 young per year.

There are ways you can prevent an infestation in your home by:

  • Eliminating moisture sites within the home and keeping basements, attics and crawl spaces ventilated and dry
  • Replacing weather stripping around windows and repairing damaged screens
  • Sealing cracks and any open holes on the exterior of your home with caulk and or steel wool
  • Installing door sweeps on exterior doors
  • Storing firewood at least 20 feet from your home
  • Storing food items in sealed containers and disposing of garbage regularly

If you’re in need of professional assistance with a pest issue, Give us a call at our Muskego office at 262-679-4422, our Oshkosh office at 920-385-0412 or toll free at 800-956-0800. 

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Your Fall Pest-Proofing Checklist

Your Fall Pest-Proofing Checklist    gg62677099

With autumn right around the corner, and insects soon ready to find the warmth around your home, this is the best time to check off some chores from your fall pest-proofing checklist! Below are some preparations you can make to your home to prevent pests from invading your home this fall and winter.

  • Inspect your home for any cracks and entry point holes, paying close attention to the sunny-sides of your home as those sides (the south and west sides) are more attracting to pests looking for warmth. Seal up any you holes you may find with caulk and/or steel wool. For an extra dose of protection, check around pipes and utility entry areas for entry points as well.
  • Pests are attracted to moisture. Keep areas such as basements, attics and crawlspaces ventilated and moisture-free. The use of a dehumidifier will aid in keeping your basement dry.
  • Clean up leaves and outdoor debris. Trim back any branches or shrubbery around the house. Branches can become insect roadways into your home.
  • Check and repair any screen damage.
  • Install door sweeps to eliminate an entry point for insects and moisture.
  • Clean debris out of gutters.
  • Seal out moisture, drafts and insects by replacing weather stripping around doors and windows.
  • If you’re chopping up firewood for the winter, store it at least 20 feet away from your home.
  • Treat yourself to a fall treat for your pest-proofing preparedness!

Our licensed and certified pest specialists can inspect your home for you and treat your home if need be. Call Safeway Pest Management at 262-679-4422 or 800-956-0800.

You can also visit our website at www.safewaypest.net


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Filed under Ants, Asian Ladybeetles, Cluster Fly, Flies, mice, Pest Prevention, Rodents, Spiders, Uncategorized

“Aww Rats!” Information and Prevention Tips

22704306 - brown rat, rattus norvegicus, captive, august 2009In a season that celebrates things that make you “Eww”, rats fit in just perfectly in an October, Halloween month.

Due to several factors such as mild winters, the availability of dwelling locations and ease in acquiring food sources, the population of rats in rural areas in Wisconsin is on the rise.

The most commonly found rat in Wisconsin is the Norway rat (also referred to as the brown rat, house rat and sewer rat). The Norway rat is typically 7-10 inches in length and colored brown with scattered black hairs and a white or gray underside.

Rats have been responsible for much human suffering throughout history and the spread of many diseases through fleas or by contaminating food sources. Some diseases include Rat-Bite Fever, leptospirosis, Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV), Salmonellosis and Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. One disease, which was historically devastating, was the bubonic plague, which killed millions during the Middle Ages.

The best form of protection is to take action to prevent rodents in and around your home.

Take Away Their Home and Food Sources

  • Get rid of outdoor food sources such as garbage, open compost bins, left out pet food, fallen fruit, bird feeders (keep feeders and bird food up off of the ground).
  • Stack fire wood 18 inches off the ground and away from all buildings to prevent rodent nesting and hiding locations.
  • Keep areas that provide cover trimmed such as bushes, vines and tall grass. Rodents can enter your home from tree branches that hang over your roof. Keep trees and bushes cut back to prevent access.
  • Remove any places of harborage in your yard, such as old appliances or vehicles.
  • Find and eliminate any entrance openings to your home.
  • Regularly clean out sheds and storage areas.
  • Regularly clean up trash in and around your home and property.
  • Prevent rodents from entering the home by checking indoors and outside of your home for gaps or holes and sealing them up. Rats and mice can fit into very small spaces.
  • Occasionally inspect your home for signs of a rat infestation, including checking for rodent droppings, gnaw marks, damaged goods and greasy rub marks caused by their oily fur.

Protect Your Family’s Health

If you believe you have rats and/or mice in your home take the following steps to protect your health:

  • Secure all food in sealed containers.
  • Throw away all food and drinks that may have come in contact with the rodents.
  • Clean cookware and cutlery before use.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing and eating food and drink
  • Wear shoes around your home and refrain from laying on the floor.
  • If you are bitten by a rat or mouse, contact a physician immediately.

The pest specialists at Safeway Pest Management are knowledgeable and ready to help with your rat or mouse problem. Give us a call at our Muskego office at 262-679-4422, our Oconomowoc office at 262-354-3444, our Oshkosh office at 920-385-0412 or toll free at 800-956-0800.  

Visit our website at www.safewaypest.net


*Some information obtained courtesy of the CDC and Wisconsin Department of Public Health

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In the Matter of Mice- Mind-Blowing Mouse Facts

Have a mouse problem? You are not alone!

According to the NPMA (National Pest Management Association), each winter, mice and other rodents infest and invade an estimated 21 million homes in the United States.

Mice tend to enter homes in the fall and winter to find food, water and a warm shelter. Although some may find these litter critters cute, they can spread over 200 human pathogens and are quick to reproduce.

Mind-Blowing Mouse Facts

  • A female mouse can have 6-10 litters per year, with 6-12 babies per litter. Mice have a gestation period of 2 months and can be re-impregnated within 24 hours.
  • Mice may be small, but they can eat 15-20 times per day.
  • Mice are good jumpers and climbers; they can jump a foot into the air, which makes for easy access to your counter tops.
  • A mouse can squeeze through an opening the size of a dime.
  • A mouse can produce between 40 and 100 droppings per day.
  • Mice are germ carriers and spread diseases such as salmonella and Hantavirus.

If you see a mouse in your home, you can assume there are probably more or will be soon. Because mice carry disease, it may be best to contact a professional if the situation calls for it.

The pest specialists and office staff at Safeway Pest Management are knowledgeable and ready to help with your mouse problem. Give us a call at 262-679-4422 in Muskego, 262-354-3444 in Oconomowoc or toll free at 800-956-0800 or visit us on the web at http://www.safewaypest.net.

Ask us about our new special Winter Residential Rodent Program!!

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Fall Pest-Proofing 101


The trees are changing, the weather is cooling and you can now relax because those summer insects will soon be gone, right? Unfortunately, that is not the case. Although some summertime invaders will soon be a distant memory, others will be seeking a cozy and warm place to spend the winter.

There are two important key points to remember in pest proofing 101. First, you want to keep pests from invading and entering your home and secondly, you want to avoid making your home inviting for any pests that do find a way inside by eliminating food and water sources.

The number one thing on your to-do list is to inspect your home.

  • Look for cracks and entry point holes and seal up any you may find. Pay close attention to the sunny-sides of your home as those sides (the south and west sides) are more attracting to pests looking for warmth. Also check around pipes and utility entry areas for entry points.
  • Check all doors and windows. Check for cracks, check screens to make sure they are free of holes and are tight fitting. Install door sweeps where needed.

Some other helpful pest prevention tips:

  • Use containers with tight fitting lids in storage areas. Reduce clutter and store containers off of the floor.
  • Clean up leaves and outdoor debris. Trim back any branches or shrubbery around the house.
  • Store your garbage in sealed containers, and dispose of garbage regularly.
  • Keep outdoor grilling areas and indoor food areas clean and free of food debris. Store food in airtight containers.
  • Eliminate water sources.
  • Keep bird feeders away from your home. Check into squirrel guards to keep wildlife at bay.

If you are in need of professional service, or if you’d like assistance in inspecting your home, call Safeway Pest Management at our Muskego office at 262-679-4422, our Oconomowoc office at 262-354-3444 or toll free at 800-956-0800 or visit us on the web at http://www.safewaypest.net 


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The Flea Facts

What are Fleas?

Fleas are small, wingless parasites that feed on blood. They appear flat, dark, and reddish-brown in color and are about 1/12”-1/6” in size.

Fleas do not have the ability to fly, but they can jump. Fleas can jump as high as 8” vertically, which is 150 times their own height.

The most common flea is the cat flea, which prefers feeding on human, cats and dogs.
What Is the Source?

Fleas are attracted to and can live on any warm-blooded animal, but seem to prefer humans, dogs, cats, rats and other rodents.

Don’t own a pet? Sometimes wild animals, such as mice, squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, etc., can cause a flea infestation in your home. Mice definitely lead this list as they are numerous and find access to your home much easier than most other animals.

In some cases even a previously removed animal can leave behind fleas. This will cause the fleas to search out a new host to feed on.

What are the Risks?

When fleas populate a mouse colony, disease can become a very deep concern, the worst disease on record being the bubonic plague. They also transmit the bacterial disease murine typhus to humans through infected rats. Flea bites cause itchy and painful red bumps. Fleas saliva can cause allergic reactions in humans and pets and can also transfer tapeworms and cause anemia in pets.
Flea Prevention Tips:

Search the perimeter of your home in fall with a mirror, looking at the bottom side of your siding for any openings where animals or rodents may be entering your home. Seal any openings you find.

Some burrowing animals can make nests under decks or concrete slabs on homes without basements. Walk the perimeter of your home looking for freshly dug dirt and use a flashlight and search under the deck. A good prevention tip is to use chicken wire behind lattice to create a decorative “rat wall” to keep these critters out of these areas.

Keep your home clean and vacuum regularly.

Keep your yard clear of garbage and pet droppings.

Protect your pets by regular bathing and see your vet for annual check-ups and for advice on flea products and prevention.

Contact a licensed professional pest management specialist for assistance.

Safeway Pest Management technicians are knowledgeable and trained to treat fleas. Call Safeway Pest Management at our Muskego office at 262-679-4422, our Oconomowoc office at 262-354-3444 or toll free at 800-956-0800 or visit us on the web at http://www.safewaypest.net 

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Early Appearance of Autumn Invaders

You may take notice of a couple of insects that are making their bothersome appearance a little earlier than usual. The Asian Lady Beetle and the Boxelder bug, both prominent autumn pests, typically look for residences to hide during the cold months of the year, but are displaying a good amount of activity already this August.

Boxelder bugs inherited their name by their preferred food source, the Box Elder tree. But, you can also find them feeding on the sap and seeds of other trees such as Maple, Ash and some other fruit trees. Their damage to trees is typically minor, they do not bite, and they also do not carry any diseases. They do, although, have the capability to leave behind “waste stains” where they have been. With all of that said, you may still consider them a nuisance when you find them covering the sunny side of your home.

Boxelder Bugs are pretty easy to spot. They are about a ½” long and have a black body with red markings on their wings.

Asian Lady Beetles are around 1/3”-1/4” long, they can be yellow-orange to red and they can have anywhere from 0-22 spots on their wings. Their diet includes plants such as Evergreens, Apple and Maple trees, alfalfa, wheat, cotton, tobacco, and small grains. Asian beetles emit an unpleasant odor and can stain surfaces with their yellowish secretions if disturbed.

Both bugs are most noticeable during the months of September and October. During that time, Boxelder bugs and Asian Lady Beetles can be found congregating in large numbers on the southern sunny and warm side of buildings, trees and rocks. Once the cooler temperatures of winter begin to set in, they will find their way inside of homes to find a protective place to overwinter.

To prevent Boxelder bugs and Asian Lady Beetles from making a home in your residence:

  • Seal off any cracks or crevices in walls, foundations and around pipes
  • Check for loose vents or entry by exhaust fans
  • Sweep and vacuum to remove and release unwanted beetles
  • Repair any torn window screens or door gaps

If the problem becomes too much to handle, it may be best to call a licensed Pest Management professional to assist.

Ask us about our Fall Preventative Treatment that prevents insects like the Boxelder bug and the Asian Lady Beetle from entering and hibernating in your home over the winter.

Call Safeway Pest Management at our Muskego office at 262-679-4422, our Oconomowoc office at 262-354-3444 or toll free at 800-956-0800 or visit us on the web at http://www.safewaypest.net 

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Hair-Raising Halloween Pests- How to Pest-Proof Your Home

If you think about some of the creepy things found in your typical haunted house, it may shock you to realize that many are pest-related! There are Halloween horrors such as: Webs filled with spooky spiders in windows, cockroaches in the kitchen, and rodents running along the walls. Having these pests in your home can be a truly hair-raising experience no matter what time of the year!

Haunted House

Spiders, while beneficial in your garden and in reducing the number of other insects in your home, can also bite humans.

Cockroaches are an unsanitary pest and known carriers of diseases such as salmonella and dysentery and can cause asthmatic reactions and allergic reactions in some individuals.

Rodents like mice and rats can carry diseases such as leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, hantavirus and salmonellosis. They also have the ability to chew through electrical cords, which can spark fires.

Some Halloween Pest-Proofing Tips:

  • On the exterior of your home, seal any noticeable cracks or openings, especially around pipes and wiring that enter your home.
  • Keep food in closed containers, left out food attracts pests.
  • Clean up spills and garbage. Keep garbage in a closed container.
  • Store firewood at least 20 feet from your home and 5 inches off of the ground.
  • Call a pest professional if needed.

Safeway Pest Management is licensed, certified, knowledgeable and available to answer any questions or help with treatment of your pest problems. Please call our Muskego office at 262-679-4422, our Oconomowoc office at 262-354-3444  or Toll Free at 800-956-0800.

You can also visit our website at http://www.safewaypest.net

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Filed under Pest Prevention, Rodents, Spiders

Converging Cluster Flies

Cluster Fly

Cluster Fly by: NPMA

You may spend plenty of time shooing away household flies in your kitchen who like to make their appearance apparent over most of the summer months, but there is another household fly that makes its debut in early fall. The Cluster Fly, which hails from the Blow fly family (but has much better sanitary skills), is a little larger than a House fly. Cluster flies are a dull gray and have golden hairs on the thorax, which gives them a sparkly sheen. Upon watching their habits, you’ll notice that they are much more sluggish than the typical house fly. Cluster flies are often called attic or window flies, as you can find them in those locations rather than flying around your kitchen.

The process of life for the Cluster fly has much to do with worms. Adults will leave their overwintering sites in the Spring and will lay eggs in the soil where there are earthworms. The hatching larvae enter earthworms and finish the maturing process. With the onset of autumn, Cluster flies will seek secure overwintering sites. Preferred sites are secluded areas of homes and buildings, such as attics and wall voids.

During the autumn you’ll find Cluster flies congregating on the sunny side of buildings and buzzing in windows. They use scent to attract other flies; this sweet scent can even be smelled by humans. Cluster flies will not damage your home, but they can leave small stains on walls and curtains, especially when crushed. They do not hover and land on your food like the average house fly, and are not known to carry or transfer any diseases.

The best method to rid your home of Cluster flies is to start with early prevention techniques.

  • Seal and caulk cracks and crevices around the foundation, windows and doors.
  • Make sure all screens around the home are secure and free of openings.
  • Contact a pest management professional if the problem warrants it.

The pest specialists at Safeway Pest Management are knowledgeable and ready to help with your fly problem, or any other insect problem that may be bothering you. Give us a call at 262-679-4422 or 800-956-0800 or visit us on the web at www.safewaypest.net.

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Filed under Cluster Fly, Flies

With Autumn Comes the Appearance of Box Elder Bugs

Box Elder Bugs inherited their name by their preferred food source, the Box Elder Tree. But, you can also find them feeding on the seeds of other trees such as Maple and Ash trees. Box Elder Bugs tend to bring only minor damage to trees, and they are not considered a danger to homes, people or property.

Box Elder Bugs are pretty easy to spot. They are about a ½” long and have a black body with red markings on their wings.

You may be wondering what makes these insects such an issue. For one, they will congregate in large numbers. They also have the capability to leave behind “waste stains” where they have been. The bugs are most noticeable during the months of September and October, and especially during dry spells. During that time, Box Elder Bugs can be found on the southern sunny side of buildings, trees and rocks. Once the cooler temperatures of winter begin to set in, they will find their way inside of homes to find a protective place to overwinter.

Box Elder Bugs will enter homes through foundation and siding cracks, and small gaps around pipes, windows and doors. They will not reproduce in homes, but they will come out into rooms when the temperature in the home is warm enough.

The best way to control a problem with Box Elder Bugs is to prevent them from ever entering your home by sealing off any entry ways they are finding and using. Caulking openings around windows and doors will also aid in keeping the bugs outdoors. If the problem becomes too much to handle, it’s best to call a licensed Pest Management professional to assist.

Safeway Pest Management is a licensed pest management company covering southern, central and northern central Wisconsin. Our technicians are knowledgeable in the treatment of Box Elder Bugs. We will also inspect your home for any cracks or gaps that pests may be using so that you can prevent them from future entry.

Give us a call at 262-679-4422 or 800-956-0800 or visit us on the web at www.safewaypest.net

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